When I first created a blog it was with every intention of being a fashion blogger. I look back at 98% of those outfits now and feel every cell in my body convulse. I love fashion, I love clothes, but a fashion blogger, I am not.
Or maybe I am, I don’t know(?). I don’t make actual blog posts about my outfits (until now!!!), but I do post most of them on my Instagram. A whole blog filled with photos taken of me with a 50mm lens feels very off-brand and makes me squirm. Posting a carousel of outfit pics on my Instagram, that I took on my iPhone, makes me want to do a cartwheel. But part of me still wants to give you the fashion? content? I don’t know, okay!!?
All I do know is that for some reason, people like the things I wear. And for some other reason I get asked how I would describe my style, and how I put my outfits together. To answer that first question, I always just say, it’s a gut instinct; because I heard someone say that once and… I felt that. To answer that second question, I bring you this new series!!!
Outfit Anatomy is me taking you through my entire thought process when putting an outfit together. I don’t know if this is exactly what you want, but this is my blog and I can write what I want. So let’s dissect this first lewk!!!
Let me set the scene for you. It’s fake spring, so colder than it should be, and I was going to be in the car for an extended period of time. Naturally, I did not want to wear pants and leggings felt too obvious, so I went with tights!
Here’s our foundation. These Marine Serre tights are part of a matching set I love and cherish. I also avoid wearing bras as much as white, rich, frat boys avoid asking for consent, so this cutie lace bralette felt right. I don’t remember where I got mine, but this one looks just like it. In hindsight, I should have went with a black one given the top I chose, but I’m not mad about it!
Next I added a black turtleneck that is tissue thin. Don’t you love how I’m pretending to care that it’s cold outside? Tights as pants and a turtleneck that is thinner than a single strand of my hair. We love to see it. Things were feeling a bit too bland for my liking so I added an oversized, purple-ish, magenta-ish oversized button up blouse, but without the buttons upped.
The solid on solid of the shirts was throwing me off. Also! The blouse felt too flowy, I wanted more structure. Also, also! It felt too, french painter in an Audrey Hepburn film. Which isn’t a bad look, but not who I wanted to be that day. So instead I went with a thrifted men’s, white and blue, vertical striped button up and found that the length also matched up better with my denim jacket.
This vintage Levi’s trucker jacket is one of my wardrobe staples. I stole it from my dad because he never wore it anymore, can you believe?! I also have a pin on it of a lil uterus smiling, and it says “cuterus”. It was gifted to me by my bff, so if you want it I can ask her for the deets. I also decided to just pretend tuck in my turtleneck, because I didn’t like how you could see it through the tights.
Here she is! The outfit in full swing. I think the tights really work here because the top is so heavy and oversized. Wearing tights is basically just legs so it doesn’t make me feel like the outfit is wearing me, as your local Cosmo mag might say. Tights were also a great move because I ate a lot of food and I was in a car for two hours!!! Win, win!
You may have noticed I put a pair of white socks over my tights. Like I mentioned before, tights are basically just legs, so it made me feel like I was wearing sneakers with no socks and I needed something to break it up. I initially thought I would have chosen black kitten heels, but I was feeling v casual, so these Nike’s were the move. I love a shoe I can workout in, but also wear for ~fashun~.
So there you have it! The process of putting together my curbside pick-up brunch outfit! Let me know your thoughts on this series. I mean, I’ll probably do more of them even if you don’t want me to, but it’d be nice to know that we’re on the same page.