Since you all loved me exposing my search history last time, I decided I’d make it a regular thing for you. And by regular I mean, every time I gather five search queries that make me go, “what does this say about me to someone who knows nothing about me at all”.
We have some interesting ones this time around, if I do say so myself.
When it comes to medicine and healing, I’m all about combining Eastern and Western techniques. Lemon Balm is one of my faves for when you feel a cold coming on or if you need something to help you chill out. Although I know some of the benefits of lemon balm, I wanted to know what other ones I was unaware of where.
I think we all know what an orgasm is, but a coregasm on the other hand, is something you might be new to. Well, I am here to change your life… if you’re a girl (sorry boys, this one isn’t for you). To put things as simply as possible, a coregasm is an exercise induced orgasm that usually happens when you do a lot of core work. They’re a little bit different than regular orgasms, but are still a very enjoyable experience.
Of course, it can be awkward if you’re in a public gym, working out with a friend, or staring your personal trainer dead in the eye, but at least you can feel them coming on. You start to feel a tingling sensation in your lower abdomen, and if you continue doing reps of whatever exercise you’re doing, chances are a coregasm is in your very near future.
On the other hand, if you stop doing said exercise, you’ll be able to avoid the possibly awkward moment. Luckily, I’ve learned which exercises induce this feeling for me, so I know what to avoid when I’m in a public setting, bless.
If this sounds like a dope way to end your core workout, there’s unfortunately no exact formula to achieve the sensation. It’s very individualistic, but your deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles need to be contracted. Although it’s actually a lot more common amongst women than you might think, those who have a weaker core will probably achieve a coregasm a lot quicker. One workout I recommend trying out is “the captain’s chair”, which requires placing your arms on an armrest, lifting your legs up into an “L” position, and holding your legs up in the air with no seat underneath.
Let me know if you’ve experienced a coregasm before, or if you are now considering making it your motivation to strengthen your core.
So what if I was googling Bratz Dolls for nothing more than fashion inspiration? They serve looks.
I recently saw Billy Ray on a red carpet and thought he was aging very, very well. This search was brought to you by my intense curiosity in regards to how old he is. He’s 58, by the way.
You would think I was planning some sort of Halloween costume, but really, I just thought a huge feather boa would make a cute top. I have yet to find the perfect one, so please help me in my search.
So once again, if I saw this search history without knowing who’s it was, I truly could not tell you what kind of person it belonged to.
What are some of the things in your recent search history? Leave them below, or message me them on Instagram!