You read that right, I got dressed during quarantine.
For a whole week, I challenged myself to dress in actual clothes, and not just a variation of my many black and gray sweats and high school hoodies. I have survived, and I am here to say that I… kind of succeeded.
Although not everyone does, I use the clothes I wear to show exactly how I’m feeling that day, or who I feel like being that day.
Being trapped at home, I feel like the outfits I would usually put together are not getting the spotlight they deserve. Now don’t get me wrong, I dress for myself and my own happiness, but I still benefit from a look my way, or even two. Just like a child running to their parent screaming, “look what I did!!!” after drawing a painfully abstract horse, I put an outfit together with the same pride.
And while the clothes I am choosing are ones that would never even see my front steps, let alone a crowd of humans, I am not as lost or depressed as they make me look to be. The honest truth is just that I’m craving comfort. I want to be able to pull my pants down without effort when I have to pee. I want something that doubles as workout wear. I want something that feels like blanket. I want something that gives my stomach room to expand after eating a meal.
Still, I could not help but think about how getting dressed (actually dressed), might make me feel a little bit more alive. So i challenged myself. I told myself I would get dressed every single day for a week, and it didn’t go exactly the way I expected.

So Monday started off pretty cozy, but with an addition of color to my rather muted wardrobe as of late, which made me feel more like myself. I knew I was teaching a pilates class on Zoom later that day, so I chose something I would wear to teach a class on a day where I was actually coming into the studio. Overall I enjoyed this outfit. It combined the comfort I love having at home, with the colors of an outfit that would typically make its way out the door.
I know this doesn’t look like much, but I’m a fitness instructor, what do you want from me. On this day I was teaching my workout, Synthesis, on Instagram Live. Once again, I wore something I would typically wear to teach in studio. This class gets me a little sweatier than pilates, so biker shorts were the move.
Being that I have a lower body temperature than most, I get cold very easily, so the addition of the sweatshirt later in the day was more than necessary.

I was feeling very Carrie Bradshaw, WFH in this one. This is something I would wear on a relaxed summer day, sans sock, and with the tank tucked in or more cropped. I imagine myself adding some chunky sneakers or strappy kitten heals to this look. Perhaps a necklace or two would tickle my fancy.
On this day I started to notice the lack of color and creativity in my outfits so far, which isn’t my normal instinct. I don’t own many dark colors, and I love challenging myself with different colors and patterns, as if i’m cracking the code of what I’m meant to wear that day.
My name is Caroline Nycek and I am an outfit repeater.
This day was really gloomy and I wasn’t feeling too good, so I just wanted my favorite sweats. Laundry had just been done, and Monday’s outfit was looking mighty fine. I did add a zip-up hoodie though, because I got cold that day.
The selfie I added is to show that I did put in extensions I bought on Amazon, and put on a little bit of makeup, so I feel like that makes up for the lack of new outfit. You’ll take what you can get.
TGIF!!! I give you a two for one special! These vintage pants that I got right before quarantine have yet to be hemmed, but I still love them. I paired them with a scarf I stole from my mom once and never gave back, because I knew one day I would need it as a top. Well, here we are. I started Tiger King this same day, and suddenly I’m wearing animal print. Coincidence? The jury’s still out.
After struggling to tie the scarf tight enough to keep it from flashing my audience of zero, I decided to look for a different top. I immediately remembered a vintage Oscar de la Renta sequin top I bought months ago, with the yearning of wearing it in the spring. It complimented the pants and my green eye shadow so well, I knew this had to be todays look. Were the sequins a little itchy? Maybe, but the under arm rash was worth it.
This day made me feel like an addict getting a long needed hit. I felt like myself and I finally realized why people are getting dressed even though they’re going nowhere.
With the success of the day prior, I couldn’t wait to see what I came up with on Saturday. Then all hell broke loose in my household, and all I wanted to do was curl up into a ball in my high school softball hoodie. There was nothing that could motivate me to even open my closet.

Apologies were exchanged, spirits were lifted, Easter was celebrated, an actual outfit was worn. I only go to church twice a year, one of those days being Easter Sunday. This year, the judgy church ladies will not get the pleasure of burning their eyes into every inch of my body until Christmas, sorry to disappoint. I bought this dress at a vintage shop last year, and still haven’t found the opportunity to wear it, but I love it so much. I’m sure it was intended to be dressed up, but I think I could make it an everyday, grocery store look in the future. And yes I know it’s wrinkly, but you’re out of your mind if you think I’m ironing or steaming anything right now.
So there you have it, my quarantine outfits. I will admit, Friday’s looks made me feel like getting dressed more often wouldn’t be so bad. But I know myself, and I know that during this time, I will be craving comfort more than anything. And I will not make myself feel bad for it. However, I’ve decided to take this time to support small businesses and purchase workout and loungewear with more color and patterns. It’s what my psyche needs, and what my bank account wants to kick me in the throat for.
Stimulus check, where you at?
Let me know your thoughts on getting dressed during the quarantine. Does it motivate you or does it just feel like a chore?
Heck yes I love this post! Getting dressed really sets my mood!
Same! I think I’m finding a happy medium between being comfortable and actually wearing clothes lol!