So it’s been a little over a month since I went to London, and while I was there, I decided to randomly jot down things I did each day in my journal. These journal entries are definitely all over the place, and I’m sorry if you can’t read my handwriting, but like, just take your best educated guess as to what it might say.
I would have had this post up weeks ago, but my scanner decided it was not down to do its one job.
Without further ado, please enjoy these daily journal entries, plus a few extra, about my time in London. In the meantime, I will go cry about how I am here and not there.
So, was this lame, or did you enjoy it? Let me know if you’d like to see some more journal entries, and also tell me what your favorite things to journal about are in the comments! I also posted a bunch of photos from London on my Instagram if you want more average travel content from me!