This morning I was lying in my marshmallow fluff of a bed when I realized I’d started to smile because I’d been woken up by the sound of birds chirping.
…The Spotlight Effect: Maya Cruz

This morning I was lying in my marshmallow fluff of a bed when I realized I’d started to smile because I’d been woken up by the sound of birds chirping.
…I would be lying if I said this quarantine has very drastically changed my life.
I’m quite the introvert, and I love my alone time. BUT, with that being said, I do have a split moment every few days where my psyche glitches. I get a little too much downtime, and my mind flips through its catalog of all the things I could stress about.
…I’m going to be real with you guys, I didn’t think I would be making another ‘I Like This Stuff‘ post so soon. Granted, the first one was written three months ago, but like I’ve said, I am a creature of habit.
…Last time we talked about breakups, it was about those that happen between best friends. Now we’re getting a step closer to an actual breakup. The we-were-never-actually-together breakup is the kind where you’re basically dating and all your friends want you to date, but you’re not actually dating.
…The Super Bowl halftime show elicits immediate reactions every single year, but with just a mere glance at my Twitter feed last night, I felt like this time it was on another level.
…When it comes to cosmetic procedures and how people feel about them, there seem to be two extremes. You either absolutely need to know the name of Bella Hadid’s surgeon immediately, or you’re going on a never ending rant about how she’s promoting “unrealistic beauty standards”.
…Ah yes, the never ending cycle of, I know these people don’t have perfect lives, but I’m still upset that my life isn’t as perfect as theirs.
…When I made my first blog, years ago, I would make monthly favorites posts. Being that I am quite the creature of habit, these were a lot of work for me.
…When I scroll through my Instagram feed, I want it to be a source of joy, a source of inspiration, a source of things-I-really-don’t-need-but-will-buy-anyway.
…I remember my first best friend breakup like it was yesterday. I was minding my own business in fifth grade social studies, when a piece of paper made its way onto my desk.